Friendly takeover

You are warm­ly in­vit­ed to the of­fi­cial open­ing cer­e­mony with live mu­sic on board of the the MS IM-PORT//EX-PORT in Kas­sel, cele­brat­ing the open­ing of our float­ing plat­form for arts and sci­ence. From April to Oc­to­ber 2012, a de­com­mis­sioned ship will be trans­formed in­to the MS IM-PORT//EX-PORT, a trans­dis­ci­pli­nary plat­form for art, sci­ence and teach­ing on the riv­er Ful­da. On the main, up­per and sun decks ex­hi­bi­tions, lec­tures, work­shops and col­lab­o­ra­tive work will take place. The goal of this trans­dis­ci­pli­nary pro­ject is to bring artists, sci­en­tists, stu­dents and teach­ers to­gether in a sin­gu­lar lo­ca­tion. The guid­ing theme is the con­cept of exchange of life in a state of flow. In a pro­cess of in­vesti­ga­tion and imag­i­na­tion, vari­ous fields will be made ac­ces­si­ble through dia­logue with other dis­ci­p­lines. The pro­ject re­lies on the self-di­rect­ed par­ti­ci­pa­tion of rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the arts and the sci­ences.

IM-PORT//EX-PORT is a fea­tured site of the ci­ty's of­fi­cial Kas­sel Kul­tur 2012 pro­gram in con­junc­tion with dOC­U­MEN­TA(13).
