
How con­crete fa­cades can be used as en­er­gy-gen­er­at­ing
so­lar col­lec­tors

Bau Kunst Erfn­den is col­lab­o­rat­ing on a new sys­tem called So­larChip with the Helmholtz-Zen­trum Ber­lin für Ma­te­rialien und En­ergie and a con­sor­ti­um of six part­n­ers from in­dus­try. In­no­va­tive façade el­e­ments are bee­ing de­vel­oped that can ac­com­mo­date so­lar el­e­ments of any type or gen­er­a­tion, in­clud­ing fu­ture gen­er­a­tions that have yet to be de­vel­oped.

TERA X | Braided Wood

Tech­ni­cal ra­dial braid­ing of solid wood struc­tures

From Ju­ly 2021, BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN and the In­sti­tute of Ma­te­rials Sci­ence at Hof Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­ences will co­op­er­ate in the TERA X | Braid­ed Wood pro­ject. The aim of the pro­ject is to de­vel­op tubu­lar solid wood braids as tex­tile se­mi-fin­ished prod­ucts for ar­chi­tec­ture and con­struc­tion. Our cont­in­u­ous fil­a­ment of solid wood meets in­dus­trial braid­ing robots. The pro­ject is fund­ed within the frame­work of the Forschungsini­tia­tive Zukunft Bau by the Fed­er­al In­sti­tute for Re­search on Build­ing, Ur­ban Af­fairs and Spa­tial Plan­n­ing´of the Fed­er­al Min­istry of the In­te­ri­or, Build­ing and Com­mu­ni­ty.

Material treasures of the future

Trea­sures of the fu­ture

BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN be­comes part of the per­ma­nent ex­hi­bi­tion in the Fu­turi­um with the DysCrete pro­ject


DysCrete in der Edi­tion 25 Jahre Bran­deins

About the future of the raw material willow

Bas­ketry Mu­se­um Busch­dorf

In part 4 of the au­dio guide, St­ef­fi Sil­ber­mann talks about the "fu­ture of wil­low as a raw ma­te­rial" from the per­spec­tive of ma­te­rials re­search.

ALL HANDS ON: Basketry

MEK | Mu­se­um of Eu­ro­pean Cul­tures | Staatliche Museen zu Ber­lin

TERA X | Wo­ven Wood is part of the per­ma­nent ex­hi­bi­tion ALL HANDS ON: Braid­ing of the Mu­se­um of Eu­ro­pean Cul­tures in Ber­lin


Build­ing Art In­ven­tion in co­op­er­a­tion with Helmholtz Cen­ter Ber­lin for Ma­te­rials and En­er­gy


Congress of the Eu­ro­pean Tex­tile Acade­my in co­op­er­a­tion with the TEX­TILE-AR­CHI­TEC­TURE net­work


—— EN­TER —— EN­TER ——

LIGNA 2019

TETHOK – Tex­tile Tek­tonik im Holzbau is ex­hibit­ing from May 27. – 31. Mai at the LIG­NA Han­nover, hall 11, stand 64-66

Concrete Composites

Co­op­er­a­tion of the Acade­my of Me­dia Arts Cologne (KHM) with BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN

BAU 2019

World's Lead­ing Trade Fair for Ar­chi­tec­ture, Ma­te­rials, Sys­tems