Smart Interfaçades

Messe Stutt­gart and Baunetz or­ganized a in­ten­sive­ly re­quest­ed con­fer­ence in Stutt­gart with well-known in­ter­na­tio­n­al speak­ers Do­minique Per­rault, Mathias Sauer­bruch, An­dreas Hild, Tim Edler, Mathias Schuler, Jan Wurm, Heike Kluss­mann, Thorsten Kloost­er and To­bias Wal­lis­er.

Smarter, green­er, more dy­nam­ic - just a façade? No, as new ma­te­rials, tech­nolo­gies and pro­duc­tion pro­cess­es are con­s­tant­ly ex­pand­ing the op­por­tu­ni­ties open for con­tem­po­rary fa­cade de­signs. At the same time, stan­dards are stead­i­ly ris­ing: Build­ing skins are ex­pect­ed to be aes­thet­i­cal­ly ap­peal­ing, spare re­sources, and be com­mu­nica­tive. In other words, fa­cades are be­com­ing pro­jec­tion screens and in­ter­faces in mul­ti­ple ways.

The SMART IN­TER­FA­CADES congress will bring to­gether all rel­e­vant as­pects for the first time. Renowned ar­chi­tects, en­ge­neers, artists and aca­demics will pre­sent a mass of new in­sights and high­light the to­mor­row's trends.

About the Lecture

Baunetz & Messe Stutt­gart

team members
