Dancer and Choreographer Jean Marc Lebon from London is performing at BAU KUNST ERFINDEN

The dancer and chore­o­g­ra­pher Jean Marc Le­bon im­pro­vised a dance with soun­dac­tive tex­tile ob­jects made out of wil­low. The ob­jects where de­vel­oped and built by stu­dents within their semester­pro­ject "TETHOK - Tex­tile Tek­tonik für den Holzbau". Stu­dents of the In­sti­tut of Mu­sic, Ro­man Beil­harz, com­posed sounds, which play when the body ap­proach­es spe­cif­ic touch sen­si­tive parts of the struc­ture.

The pro­ject was ini­ti­at­ed by St­ef­fi Sil­ber­mann and men­tored to­gether with Prof. Heike Kluss­mann and Anne Krönk­er. Un­der the di­rec­tion of Ro­man Beil­harz the stu­dents An­ni­ka, Con­ny and Jo­nas de­vel­oped sounds in co­op­er­a­tion with the stu­dents of ar­chi­tec­ture. To cre­ate the sounds, they use wil­low with­es, wil­low strips, in­stru­ments, voice and com­put­er.

About the Conference

TETHOK – im­pro­vi­sa­tion with soun­dac­tive woo­d­en tex­tiles
Bau Kunst Erfin­d­en, Uni­ver­sität Kas­sel