What can be done to make our world a lit­tle qui­eter? How can sur­faces and walls pro­duce au­di­ble sound, al­so in the bass fre­quen­cy range? How do you re­al­ize a com­­plex idea with sim­­ple tools? Can a tech­no­log­i­cal so­lu­tion be achieved by a sculp­tu­ral ap­proach? How rel­e­vant is aes­thet­ic ex­pe­ri­ence for our au­di­tive per­cep­tion?

The SOUND lab is shared by both stu­dents and aca­dem­ic staff for the ex­plo­ra­tion of son­ic pheno­m­e­na and their au­di­tive per­cep­tion. Spa­tial­ly se­parat­ed for en­abling undis­turbed work with sound, the SOUND lab more­over is an ex­ten­sion of the (Do-It-Your­self-) DIY- Lab (click link). Both lab­o­ra­to­ries are cross-linked, we cul­ti­vate an ac­tive exchange in all pro­jects, there is ac­cess to the re­spec­tive in­fras­truc­tures (machines, equip­ment, tools).

In its func­tion as a re­search and pro­to­typ­ing lab­o­ra­to­ry the SOUND lab is in use for the on­go­ing pro­ject and ex­plo­ra­to­ry fo­cus ‘Noise Con­trol/Sound­ing Sur­faces’ (click link). Ad­di­tio­n­al­ly it can be used for free ex­per­i­men­ta­tion with sound in the con­text of teach­ing and artis­tic work. The SOUND lab pro­vides f.e. pro­fes­sio­n­al au­dio mon­i­tor­ing, mo­bile re­cord­ing equip­ment, mi­cro­phones and mea­sur­ing in­stru­ments.


research & project funding

  • Pfeifferfoundation for Architecture

team members